Sector survey and matchmaking Georgia
Business opportunities and matchmaking Netherlands - Georgia (2021)
Bureau Leeters conducted a horticulture sector survey in Georgia on behalf of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), in close cooperation with Georgian partner Export Development Association and agronomist Zviad Bobokashvili. The survey mapped the needs and context of Georgian farmers and businesses and identified Georgian actors with the potential to scale-up and professionalize. Click here for the report, which was published in a business webinar for Georgian and Dutch horticultural sector stakeholders. Subsequently, Georgian and Dutch companies and institutions took part in a B2B matchmaking event in order to nudge both parties to do business. The matchmaking activities were organized in close cooperation with TBSC Consulting.
The horticulture sector in Georgia is characterized by low productivity, limited adaptation to climate change, a weak business enabling environment, resulting in limited sustainable growth of farmers and businesses, due to lack of the right knowledge, equipment and technology. On the other side, the Netherlands has the capacity to increase the productivity and quality of the horticulture industry in Georgia with its knowledge and proven technologies. It also has innovative, applicable solutions for improving climate resilience, both in open field and greenhouses cultivation.