Innovating the value chain of Palestinian olives
Innovating the value chain of Palestinian olives
Innovating the value chain of Palestinian olives
Innovating the value chain of Palestinian olives

Innovating the value chain of Palestinian olives

Olive oil value chain development in the West Bank, Palestinian Territories (2022-2026)

Jos Leeters, on behalf of HollandDoor, cooperates with Dutch and Palestinian partners in a multiyear project that adds value in the Palestinian olive chain in 6 northern Governorates of the West Bank. The project aims to realize higher profitability for farmers, millers and marketing company Mount of Green Olives (MGO) by reducing gaps in production and productivity, raising the quality of olive oil, reducing losses and by strengthening key stakeholders cooperation. Besides HollandDoor and MGO, implementation partners are Wageningen University & Research and the Palestine Standards Institution (PSI).

This project is made possible by co-financing through the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Facility (SDGP) of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). SDGP works with public-private partnerships (PPPs) between governments, businesses, NGOs and/or knowledge centers and helps to achieve sustainable development goals in developing countries, in particular SDG2 (ending hunger), SDG8 (decent jobs and economic growth) and SDG17 (partnerships).