Cambodia Australia Partnership CAPRED (2024-2025)
Export development
Developing a portfolio of products which are compliant with demand and requirements in target markets
Suriname Agriculture Market Access Project (2023-2024)
Olive oil value chain development in the West Bank, Palestinian Territories (2022-2026)
3 days training for SMEs in the fresh fruits and vegetables business - Georgia (2023)
Preparing for Fruit Logistica and MacFrut 2022 - ACP countries (2022)
Business opportunities and matchmaking Netherlands - Georgia (2021)
Fresh fruit and vegetables import promotion for IPD (since 2019)
Strengthening fruit and vegetables trade in international markets (since 2017)
Encouraging farmers and businesses to deepen horizontal and vertical cooperation (2021)
Value chain study to identify market windows for Lebanese fruit and vegetables (2016-2018)
Identification and formulation of trade options for the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2019)
Suriname Agriculture Market Access Project (2018)
Identifying fruit and vegetables export options for the European market (2018)
Developing strategies to facilitate horticulture value chains towards international trade (2017-2018)
The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) countries are strategically located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, having the potential to increase trade across central Asia substantially. In the last three decades, trade in high value products, such as fruit and vegetables, has had the highest increase as compared to other food products in Central Asia. However, the highly perishable character, the food safety risks and the border crossing challenges, raise serious hurdles and inefficiencies.
Implementing Good Agricultural Practices for domestic and export markets (2017)
Bureau Leeters conducted an identification mission to consult on the measures to be taken and actors to be involved in promoting a GAP framework in the Georgian agribusiness. This assignment was part of the Zrda project, funded by USAID and implemented by Chemonics. The project aims to enhance competitiveness of agricultural value chains. Many farmers and producers in the agricultural sector in Georgia cannot meet international market access requirements, such as Global GAP, which is the leading international standard for pre-harvest. Global GAP is the dot on the horizon for Georgian producers with the goal to access high-end markets. However, other pathways, such as localg.a.p. or any other (private) GAP standard, are more feasible for the short term. Jos Leeters advised on the way forward, how to come to a certification framework and which actors to involve. Furthermore, he gave specific attention to the potential of cultivation and exports of chili peppers to the Western European market.
Training and coaching SME's in the south of Vietnam to improve their export performance (2015-2017)
Program evaluation and value chain analysis in the Palestinian horticultural sector (2012-2016)
Training and export promotion fruit and vegetables (2010-2015)
CBI Export Coaching Programmes fresh fruits & vegetables (2004-2009)
CBI Export Coaching Program fresh cut flowers in Uganda and Zambia (2004-2006)
CBI Export Coaching Program young plants in Central America (2003-2005)